About Home Cleaning
We provide home cleaning services and prioritize cleaning based on the specific areas designated by the customer to meet your needs. We take into consideration the level of dirtiness, cleaning scope, and materials used in the interior when prioritizing tasks within the customer's allocated time and budget. We place great importance on service quality and customer satisfaction while providing cleaning services, and we offer a cleaning guarantee. Please feel assured in choosing our services to make your home cleaner, hygienic, healthy, and comfortable.
Cleaning service model
Hourly Cleaning
Partial home cleaning services completed within a specified timeframe. (Minimum service duration of 4 hours each time)
Spring cleaning & Detailed cleaning after renovation
Cleaning specified areas based on needs. (Evaluated by professional assessors)

- 天花板除塵
- 牆面清潔
- 櫥櫃內外擦拭
- 電視櫃擦拭
- 沙發擦拭
- 燈具表面擦拭
- 門、門把擦拭
- 雜物整理
- 垃圾打包
- 地毯清洗
- 垃圾清運
- 排泄物、嘔吐物
- 窗戶、燈具拆卸
- 沙發擦拭
- 危險化學物處理
- 清除害蟲
Estimated time

- 通風口除塵
- 百葉窗擦拭
- 浴缸清洗
- 毛巾架&置物櫃擦拭
- 排水孔磁磚縫隙清洗
- 鏡面擦拭
- 壁面清潔
- 浴門(簾)清洗
- 蓮蓬頭&水龍頭清洗
- 天花板&地板清洗
- 便器清洗
- 磁磚縫隙深層除黴
- 矽利康除黴
Estimated time

- 抽油煙機清潔
- 瓦斯爐除垢
- 櫥櫃擦拭
- 流理台清洗
- 水槽清洗
- 水龍頭清洗
- 門縫清潔
- 天花板&地板清洗
- 水龍頭深層除鏽
- 矽利康除黴
Estimated time

- 地板清洗
- 壁面清洗
- 門縫清潔
- 危險區域清潔
Estimated time
Cleaning service features
- Service personnel have proof of vaccination and wear medical-grade masks throughout the entire service
- Completely educated and trained service personnel
- Equipped with professional cleaning tools and detergents, customers do not need to prepare
- Flexible adjustments, cleaning areas and duration arranged based on assessment of customer's needs
- Services are available for booking from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 21:00
- Services are not available in certain areas, please refer to the Contact US before making a reservation
The Notice |
"Charging standards for cleaning services after refurbishment & decoration" on our website is the basic charge standard of our service. The exact service hours depends on degree of difficulty of work, number of cabinet and window and required quality of work. Cleaning range does not include outer wall cleaning. We only work in one place for per service. Demand of working in other places is not available. In addition, to avoid damage and discoloration of building materials, K.T. House provides particular cleaning tools and detergent. Clients have no need to prepare. K.T. House reserves the right to acknowledge or cancel orders For safety, the following services are not provided :
About Meal Preparation
To clients who refuse to eat out, have no time or can’t cook because of physiological conditions (E.g. Double income family, postoperative care, and solitary elderly), we provide home cooking service, including preparation for meal, grocery shopping, cooking, etc. to solve problems for you. In addition, we also provide housekeeping services such as cleaning, storing, doing the laundry, folding clothes and ironing. K.T. House, the best home helper in your daily life.
Meal service model
One time cooking service
Cooking service provided within specified time, can be combined with home cleaning, companionship, and organization services. (Minimum service duration of 4 hours each time)
Membership (Regular cooking service)
The price is more cost-effective, and regular cooking services are provided so that you can enjoy hot home-cooked meals even if you are busy. (Minimum service duration of 3 hours each time)

- 代客購買食材
- 食材處理
- 家常菜料理烹調
- 煮飯服務後可搭配居家清潔
- 廚餘僅打包不清運
Estimated time (Purchase ~ Cooking)
Meal service features
- Service personnel have proof of vaccination and wear medical-grade masks throughout the entire service
- Completely educated and trained service personnel
- In-home cooking service that includes purchasing groceries on behalf of the customer
- Flexible adjustments, customized to customer needs, can be combined with cleaning services and companionship services
- Services are available for booking from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 21:00
- Services are not available in certain areas, please refer to the Contact US before making a reservation
The Notice |
Meals that we prepare are mainly homemade dishes. Reimbursement of grocery shopping expense will be charged directly from clients. No additional fee will be charged |
About Home Companion
In order to receive the proper living care at home, for that chemotherapy, undergoing operation patients or the older people, K.T. House is able to customize different services for you need. Our services focus on non-medical care, trustworthy housekeepers, no-barrier communication and family-like care. Different from foreign workers hired by agency, we visit and understand what our clients need and insure our service quality periodically. Our housekeepers receiving professional training can provide warm and delicate living services. Our service is able to reduce clients’ living pressure and burden, and for those who are not around their family, they can set their mind at rest.
Companion service model
One time companion service
Companionship service provided within specified time, can be combined with home cleaning, meal preparation, and organization services. (Minimum service duration of 4 hours each time)
Membership (Regular companion service)
The price is more cost-effective, and regular accompanying services are provided to provide better care for the elders or those with disabilities in the family. (Minimum service duration of 3 hours each time)

- 協助行走安全
- 攙扶上廁所
- 更衣
- 穿脫衣物鞋襪

- 代客購買食材
- 食材處理
- 家常菜料理烹調
- 煮飯服務後可搭配居家清潔
- 廚餘僅打包不清運
Estimated time(Purchase ~ Cooking)

- 叮嚀服藥
- 服藥安全
- 量血壓
- 記錄血糖
- 協助肢體復健運動
- 侵入性治療(如打針)

- 長輩居家環境簡易清潔
- 活動空間及臥房、衛浴清潔
- 洗衣
- 收納

- 散步
- 採買
- 參與活動
- 陪同就醫
- 代取藥品
Cleaning service features
- Service personnel have proof of vaccination and wear medical-grade masks throughout the entire service
- Completely educated and trained service personnel
- Flexible adjustments, tailored to customer needs, can be combined with cleaning services and meal preparation services
- Services are available for booking from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 21:00
- Services are not available in certain areas, please refer to the Contact US before making a reservation
The Notice |
Hourly service At least twice a week for a fixed time, the time period can be selected. |
About Home Organizing
Is discarding truly a waste? Is reserving really frugality? We provide free counseling service to arrange customized space planning for people who can’t tidy up their houses, have little time to clean, have no idea how to start it, feel exhausted before cleaning up, have a pile of clothes or get scores above 40% in our Messiness Questionnaire below.
Organizing service model
One time organizing service
Complete the organizing service needs within the specified time, can be combined with home cleaning services, meals, and companionship services. (Minimum service duration of 4 hours each time)
Membership (Regular organizing service)
The price is more cost-effective and the regular organizing service keeps the home in a tidy and comfortable condition. (Minimum service duration of 3 hours each time)

- 物品依使用習慣分類
- 空間整理
- 空間收納
- 灰塵清潔
- 丟棄物僅打包不清運
Estimated time

- 物品依使用習慣分類
- 物品灰塵擦拭
- 物品整理打包
- 不包含搬家、搬運服務
- 丟棄物僅打包不清運
Estimated time

- 表面灰塵擦拭
- 物品依照使用習慣歸位
- 物品收納整理
- 不包含搬家、搬運服務
- 丟棄物僅打包不清運
Estimated time

- 表面灰塵擦拭
- 物品依照使用習慣歸位
- 物品收納整理
- 整理衣物、衣櫥
- 丟棄不需要的物品
- 不包含搬家、搬運服務
- 丟棄物僅打包不清運
Estimated time

- 表面灰塵擦拭
- 物品依照使用習慣歸位
- 物品收納整理
- 丟棄物僅打包不清運
Estimated time
Organizing service features
- Service personnel have proof of vaccination and wear medical-grade masks throughout the entire service
- Completely educated and trained service personnel
- Free storage consultation service, customized space planning and arrangement
- Flexible adjustments, customized to customer needs, can be combined with cleaning services and companionship services
- Services are available for booking from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 21:00
- Services are not available in certain areas, please refer to the Contact US before making a reservation
About Customized Cleaning
To provide more flexible housekeeping service, clients can choose services according to their needs in per service period. Aside from the fixed 4-hour service, K.T. House has provided cleaning package based on client’s demands since January 1, 2018.
Customized cleaning service model
Hourly Cleaning
Complete customized cleaning needs within a specified timeframe. (Minimum service duration of 4 hours each time)
The price is more cost-effective, regular cleaning to keep the space in a clean and comfortable condition at all times. (Minimum service duration of 3 hours each time)

- 租屋處定期清潔
- 租房入住前清潔
- 退租後清潔
- 衣櫃擦拭
- 沙發擦拭
- 燈具表面擦拭
- 門、門把擦拭
- 雜物整理
- 垃圾打包
- 地毯清洗
- 垃圾僅打包不清運
- 排泄物、嘔吐物
- 窗戶、燈具拆卸
- 危險化學物處理
- 清除害蟲
Estimated time

- 去除粉塵
- 窗戶擦拭
- 家具擦拭
- 門、門把擦拭
- 衣櫃擦拭
- 地板清潔(依材質選用清潔劑)
- 垃圾僅打包不清運
- 窗戶、燈具拆卸
Estimated time

- 辦公空間地板清潔
- 茶水間環境清潔
- 廁所環境清潔
- 垃圾打包
- 垃圾清運
- 個人物品收納
Estimated time

- 店內地板清潔
- 店內櫃位、展示架清潔
- 鏡面除塵
- 落地窗污漬清潔
- 垃圾打包
- 垃圾清運
Estimated time

- 公設地板清潔
- 門窗清潔
- 沙發擦拭
- 垃圾打包
- 垃圾清運
Estimated time

- 地板清潔
- 門窗清潔
- 危險區域清潔
Estimated time
Customized cleaning service features
- Service personnel have proof of vaccination and wear medical-grade masks throughout the entire service
- Completely educated and trained service personnel
- Equipped with professional cleaning tools and detergents, customers do not need to prepare
- Flexible adjustments, cleaning areas and duration arranged based on assessment of customer's needs
- Services are available for booking from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 21:00
- Services are not available in certain areas, please refer to the Contact US before making a reservation
The Notice |
If properties are damaged or broken during the service, the certain extent of compensation will be paid by K.T. House after clarifying the responsibility. The maximum amount of compensation is 100% of the service fee on the day. Considering safety, the following services are not provided :
About Home Coating
百萬裝潢的新居要如何省心維護,常保如新? 為容易耗損的區域做好事前防護為關鍵點! 康庭提供新居入住前鍍膜服務,在您希望保護的區域,如浴室乾濕分離、廚房檯面區,鍍上高硬度防護層,保護檯面不被水漬、油垢侵蝕而老化,讓心愛的居家環境常保如新。抗汙防垢效果達 18 個月以上,為您省下 50% 以上清潔維護的時間,把寶貴的時間保留給自己和家人!
Coating service model
Quotation method according to demand
Please contact customer service for more information

The kitchen countertop is one of the most frequently used areas in the kitchen, making it prone to stains, scratches, and dirt buildup. Home coating can create a protective film on the countertop surface, reducing surface wear and the adhesion of stains. It also helps prevent staining and scratches, ensuring that your kitchen looks cleaner and tidier.
- 石材檯面
- 電器櫃
- 抽油煙機外部
- 瓦斯爐
- 洗手槽內部
- 地板
Estimated time

The bathroom is prone to the accumulation of limescale, dirt, and bacteria, especially in wet and dry areas. Home coating can create a protective film on the bathroom surface, preventing the adhesion of limescale and dirt, making cleaning easier. It also helps inhibit bacterial growth, ensuring a more comfortable and healthy home environment.
- 乾溼分離玻璃
- 鏡子
- 大理石檯面
- 五金配件
- 洗臉台
- 地板
Estimated time
Coating service features
我們採用的 Nanokeeper 居家鍍膜產品有三大特色:
- 通過歐盟最高規格 REACH 無毒認證:
我們非常重視顧客的健康和安全,因此嚴格遵守歐盟 REACH 標準規範,不含 235 種人體高度敏感物質,可放心使用。 - 採用獨家液態陶瓷技術 預防污漬侵蝕:
於物件表面形成一道堅硬的保護層,減少水垢及污漬侵蝕,高達 9H 的表面硬度能預防刮痕,保護您心愛的居家環境亮麗如新! -
效果長達 18 個月以上有效:
Nanokeeper 液態奈米塗層能承受高達 250°C 的溫度,不因高溫脫落或失效,適用於廚房和浴室等環境,預防長黴和細菌生長,讓您的居家環境更加衛生健康。

Service Request Confirmation
Our customer service representative will confirm the scope of work and provide a quotation with the customer
Surface cleaning of the materials to be worked on
Make sure the surface of material has been cleaned thoroughly before coating, the best time for coating is after new home or decoration cleaning, it is recommended to book with cleaning service
Coating Construction
The coating operation will be carried out by professional coating technicians to ensure quality
Completion inspection and maintenance instructions
After the construction is completed, we will confirm the results with the customer and provide instructions for the subsequent maintenance
- Monday to Friday (Weekdays) 08:00 ~ 21:00
- Holidays & national holidays are subject to adjustment
- ( After 19:00, a late fee will be charged )